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This package contains the following procedures and functions:
The utAssert package provides a set of assertion routines ("assert that the following condition is true") that you will use to register the outcome of a test case. You must call a utAssert assertion program after (or containing) a test case so that the results of that test can be recorded and then reported. See Build Test Packages for many examples and more details on this process. Here is a very simple example, though, to give you an idea of the code you would write:
PROCEDURE ut_BETWNSTR IS BEGIN utAssert.eq ( 'Typical valid usage', BETWNSTR( STRING_IN => 'abcdefg', START_IN => 3, END_IN => 5 ), 'cde' ); END;
utAssert offers a wide (and ever expanding) set of assertion programs that allow you to efficiently (a) test the outcome of your unit test and (b) report the results of that test to utPLSQL. You should review Common Assertion Parameters and Behavior before using any specific assertion program. It is also possible to build your own assertion routine. Note: all utAssert assertions are defined in the ut_assertion table, as well as actually coded in the utAssert package.
Each type of assertion routine accepts different kinds of data, but there are lots of similarities between the assertions, as well. Here is an explanation of the common assertion parameters:
msg_in | A message to be displayed if the assertion fails. This is the first argument and is mandatory, because the tests need to be self documenting. |
check_this_in | The value to be checked.. If a Boolean expression, this will usually include the invocation of the method being tested, resulting in a single line of code for the entire test case. |
against_this_in | For assert_eq, the assertion routine will check the check_this_in value against the against_this_in value. This parameter should be the certifiably correct value. |
null_ok_in | TRUE if a NULL value should be interpreted as a successful test, FALSE if NULL indicates failure. |
raise_exc_in | TRUE if it is OK for the assertion routine to allow an exception to be propagated out unhandled. |
This most generic assertion program simply says "assert this" and passes a Boolean expression. It is used by all the other assertion routines, which construct a Boolean expression from their specific values and logic.
PROCEDURE utAssert.this ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN BOOLEAN, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
Use utAssert.this when you have a Boolean expression that you want to check, as in:
BEGIN ... utAssert.this ( 'Boolean function result', is_valid_account (my_account) );
You can also use this assertion to register a failure, most usually in an exception section, as in:
Generally, you should avoid utAssert.this and instead use a specialized assertion routine, documented below. Most of the assertions give you the ability check for equality (of scalars, such as strings, or more complex data structures like tables, pipes and files): does the data generated by my code match the expected value(s)?
You can check to see if a value is NULL or is NOT NULL with the following assertions:
PROCEDURE utAssert.isnotnull ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE ); PROCEDURE utAssert.isnull ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE ); PROCEDURE utAssert.isnotnull ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN BOOLEAN, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE ); PROCEDURE utAssert.isnull ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN BOOLEAN, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
Use these assertions when you simply want to check if a scalar expression (string, date, number and Boolean are supported) is NULL or NOT NULL, as in:
BEGIN ... utAssert.isNULL ( 'Should be nothing left', TRANSLATE (digits_in_string, 'A1234567890', 'A') );
If you need to compare two dates or two strings or two numbers or two Booleans, use the utAssert.eq assertion program.
Here is the header for the scalar equality check assertion:
PROCEDURE utAssert.eq ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2|BOOLEAN|DATE|NUMBER, against_this_in IN VARCHAR2|BOOLEAN|DATE|NUMBER, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
If the two values are equal, your code gets a green light. Otherwise, utAssert writes the test results to the utResult package, resulting in a red light for the test. If NULL values are considered value for this test, pass TRUE for null_ok_in. If you want the assertion to raise an exception on failure and stop the test from proceeding, pass TRUE for raise_exc_in. Here is an example of using the utAssert.eq program:
PROCEDURE ut_emp_dept_lookuprowcount IS l_rowcount1 PLS_INTEGER; l_rowcount2 PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN -- Run baseline code. SELECT COUNT (*) INTO l_rowcount1 FROM employee WHERE department_id = 30; -- Compare to program call: l_rowcount2 := te_employee.emp_dept_lookuprowcount (30); -- Test results utassert.eq ( 'Successful EMP_DEPT_LOOKUPROWCOUNT', l_rowcount2, l_rowcount1 ); END;
If your test performs DML operations (update, insert or delete), you will need to check your results in a database table. You could do this by querying the results into local variables and then calling utAssert.eq to check those values against your expected data. That can be a very laborious process, so utAssert offers the eqtable and equerry assertion routines to streamline the process. Both these procedures use the MINUS SQL operator to essentially "subtract" the contents of one table (query) from the other. If anything is left, then the two tables (queries) are not the same and the test is given a red light. As you can probably see, the structure of the two tables (queries) must be identical for this assertion to work properly. The utAssert.eqtable allows you to compare the contents of your data table (changed by your code) against another table, which you can preset with the data you expect to see after the test. Here is the header for eqtable:
PROCEDURE utAssert.eqtable ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, against_this_in IN VARCHAR2, check_where_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, against_where_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
where check_this_in and against_this_in are the names of tables or views. You can supply an optional WHERE clause to restrict the rows you wish to compare. Here is an example that calls eqTable twice, to test two different conditions.
PROCEDURE ut_del1 IS fdbk PLS_INTEGER; BEGIN /* Delete that finds now rows. */ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DELETE FROM ut_DEL1 WHERE employee_id = -1 '; te_employee.del (-1, rowcount_out => fdbk); -- Test results utassert.eqtable ('Delete rows', 'EMPLOYEE', 'ut_DEL1'); /* Successful delete */ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DELETE FROM ut_DEL1 WHERE employee_id between 7800 and 7899 '; FOR rec IN (SELECT * FROM employee WHERE employee_id BETWEEN 7800 AND 7899) LOOP te_employee.del ( rec.employee_id, rowcount_out => fdbk ); END LOOP; -- Test results utassert.eqtable ('Delete rows', 'EMPLOYEE', 'ut_DEL1'); ROLLBACK; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN utassert.this ( 'DEL1 exception ' || SQLERRM, SQLCODE = 0 ); END;
If your tests simply produce the right number of rows in a table but not a fixed set of values, you will not be able to use utAssert.eqtable above. However, utAssert.eqtabcount allows you to simply test that the numbers of rows are equal. The declaration of the procedure is as follows:
PROCEDURE utAssert.eqtabcount ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, against_this_in IN VARCHAR2, check_where_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, against_where_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
where check_this_in and against_this_in are the names of tables or views. As in utAssert.eqtable, you can supply an optional WHERE clause to restrict the rows you wish to compare. The following test will compare the number of rows in the CD_COLLECTION and UT_TEST_5_1 tables where the given condition holds:
utassert.eqtabcount('Test 5.1: Insert new rows', 'CD_COLLECTION', 'UT_TEST_5_1', 'ARTIST = ''The Fall''', 'ARTIST = ''The Fall''');
The utAssert.eqquery allows you to compare the data returned by two queries (strings that are contained in the check_this_in and against_this_in parameters). In this case, you specify the full SELECT statements for each query as the parameters. By using equery, you may be able to avoid constructing a separate table with preset data.
PROCEDURE utAssert.eqquery ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, against_this_in IN VARCHAR2, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
If you want the assertion to raise an exception on failure and stop the test from proceeding, pass TRUE for raise_exc_in. Here is an example of using eqQuery:
PROCEDURE ut_upd1 IS BEGIN /* Update 3 columns by ID */ EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' UPDATE ut_UPD1 SET FIRST_NAME = ''SILLY'', HIRE_DATE = trunc (SYSDATE+100), COMMISSION = 5000 WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID = 7600 '; te_employee.upd ( 7600, first_name_in => 'SILLY', commission_in => 5000, hire_date_in => TRUNC (SYSDATE + 100), rowcount_out => fdbk ); -- Test results (audit fields are different so do a query) utassert.eqquery ( 'Update three columns', 'select first_name, commission, hire_date from EMPLOYEE', 'select first_name, commission, hire_date from ut_upd1' ); ROLLBACK; END;
Often we will wish to test the result of a query against a single value rather than another query as in utAssert.eqquery above. It is possible to get around this problem by using a trivial query of the form:
SELECT fixed_value FROM DUAL;
Unfortunately, if the query returns multiple values or the wrong value we will only be told that the test has failed with no details. This is where utAssert.eqqueryvalue comes to the rescue. The procedure is declared as follows:
PROCEDURE utAssert.eqqueryvalue ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_query_in IN VARCHAR2, against_value_in IN VARCHAR2|NUMBER|DATE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
Where check_query_in is the query in question and against_value_in is the value to check it against. If the query returns more than one value, the resulting error message will tell you this. Similarly, if the query returns the wrong value, the message will state the expected and obtained values. The following call compares the maximum value found in a table against a given number value:
utAssert.eqqueryvalue('Maximum value test', 'SELECT MAX(MEMORY) FROM COMPUTERS WHERE OS IN (''Linux'', ''Unix'')', 256);
Obviously this should only return a single value, but if it returns something other than 256, we'll know about it.
Many programs generate output to operating system files; alternatively, you might write data to a file simply to test results. Use the eqfile assertion for either of these scenarios. This procedure uses PL/SQL's UTL_FILE package to compare the contents of two different files. Note: If you have not used UTL_FILE in the past, you must configure it before it can be used -- by utPLSQL or by your own code. UTL_FILE must be allowed accss to either or both of the directories you specify (this involves setting the utl_file_dir database parameter).
PROCEDURE utAssert.eqfile ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_dir_in IN VARCHAR2, against_this_in IN VARCHAR2, against_this_dir_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
If you want the assertion to raise an exception on failure and stop the test from proceeding, pass TRUE for raise_exc_in. You must specify the directory containing the "check this" file; if you do not specify a directory for the "against this" file, the "check this" directory will be used. Here is an example of using eqFile (see ut_DEPARTMENT2file.pkg in the Examples directory for the full implementation):
PROCEDURE ut_DEPARTMENT2FILE IS BEGIN DEPARTMENT2FILE ( LOC => 'c:\temp', FILE => 'department.dat', DELIM => '***' ); utAssert.eqfile ( 'Test of DEPARTMENT2FILE', 'department.dat', 'c:\temp', 'department.tst', 'c:\temp' ); END ut_DEPARTMENT2FILE;
Database pipes offer a handy mechanism for passing data between different sessions connected to the RDBMS. It is important to know that pipes are being filled properly; use the eqpipe to check this condition. With the eqpipe procedure, you compare the contents of two different pipes.
PROCEDURE utAssert.eqpipe ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, against_this_in IN VARCHAR2, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
If you want the assertion to raise an exception on failure and stop the test from proceeding, pass TRUE for raise_exc_in. To check the contents of a pipe based on the execution of code, you will need to populate a pipe against which to test equality. The employee_pipe.pkg file in the Examples directory contains a demonstration of the kind of code you might write to do this. This package contains all of the unit test code within the same package. Here is my unit test program, which relies on the utAssert.eqpipe program:
Since I have stored my unit test logic with my source code package, I would run my test as follows:
SQL> exec utplsql.test ('employee_pipe', samepackage_in=>TRUE) FAILURE: "employee_pipe" fillpipe: Pipes equal? Compared "emps" against "emps2"
Collections are as close as you come to arrays in PL/SQL. They are very useful for managing lists of information, but can be difficult to debug and maintain. With the eqcoll and eqcollAPI procedures, you can compare the contents of two different arrays. Use the eqColl procedure when you want to compare two collections that are defined in the specification of a package. Use the eqCollAPI procedure when you want to compare two collections that are defined in the body of a package, with programs defined in the specification (an API) to access and manipulate the collections. The collection equality check headers are:
/* Direct access to collections */ PROCEDURE utAssert.eqcoll ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, /* pkg1.coll */ against_this_in IN VARCHAR2, /* pkg2.coll */ eqfunc_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, check_startrow_in IN PLS_INTEGER := NULL, check_endrow_in IN PLS_INTEGER := NULL, against_startrow_in IN PLS_INTEGER := NULL, against_endrow_in IN PLS_INTEGER := NULL, match_rownum_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := TRUE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE ); /* API based access to collections */ PROCEDURE utAssert.eqcollapi ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_pkg_in IN VARCHAR2, against_this_pkg_in IN VARCHAR2, eqfunc_in IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, countfunc_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'COUNT', firstrowfunc_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'FIRST', lastrowfunc_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'LAST', nextrowfunc_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'NEXT', getvalfunc_in IN VARCHAR2 := 'NTHVAL', check_startrow_in IN PLS_INTEGER := NULL, check_endrow_in IN PLS_INTEGER := NULL, against_startrow_in IN PLS_INTEGER := NULL, against_endrow_in IN PLS_INTEGER := NULL, match_rownum_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := TRUE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
where the eqcoll-specific parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
msg_in | The message to be displayed if the test failes |
check_this_in | The name of the collection to be checked. Format: package.collection. In other words, the collection must be defined in a package specification. Use eqCollAPI (and check_this_pkg_in) if you want to hide the declaration of your collection in your package body (recommended). |
against_this_in | The name of the collection to be checked against. Format: package.collection. In other words, the collection must be defined in a package specification. Use eqCollAPI (and check_this_pkg_in) if you want to hide the declaration of your collection in your package body (recommended). |
and the eqcollAPI-specific parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
msg_in | The message to be displayed if the test failes |
check_this_pkg_in | The name of the package that contains the collection to be checked. |
against_this_pkg_in | The name of the package that contains the collection to be checked against. |
countfunc_in | The name of the function in the package that returns the number of rows defined in the collection. |
firstrowfunc_in | The name of the function in the package that returns the first defined row in the collection. |
lastrowfunc_in | The name of the function in the package that returns the last defined row in the collection. |
nextrowfunc_in | The name of the function in the package that returns the next defined row in the collection from the specified row. |
getvalfunc_in | The name of the function in the package that returns the contents of the specified row. |
The parameters common to both eqColl and eqCollAPI are as follows
Parameter | Description |
eqfunc_in | The function used to determine if the contents of each row of the two collections are the same. If you pass NULL for this argument, then a standard equality check will be used. This is fine for scalar values, but will not work, for example, with tables of records. |
check_startrow_in | The starting row in the check collection for comparison. If NULL, then first row is used. |
check_endrow_in | The ending row in the check collection for comparison. If NULL, then last row is used. |
against_startrow_in | The starting row in the against collection for comparison. If NULL, then first row is used. |
against_endrow_in | The ending row in the against collection for comparison. If NULL, then last row is used. |
match_rownum_in | Pass TRUE if you want to make sure that the same row numbers are used in each collection. If FALSE, then the row numbers can be different, but the contents of each corresponding row must be the same. |
null_ok_in | Pass TRUE if the assertion routine should consider two NULL collections to be equal. |
raise_exc_in | If you want the assertion to raise an exception on failure and stop the test from proceeding, pass TRUE for raise_exc_in. |
Here is an example of a script that uses utAssert.eqColl (taken from filepath1.pkg in the Examples directory):
PROCEDURE ut_setpath IS BEGIN /* Populate base collection */ ut_dirs.DELETE; ut_dirs.EXTEND(2); ut_dirs(1) := 'c:\temp'; ut_dirs(2) := 'e:\demo'; /* Call setpath to do the work */ setpath ('c:\temp;e:\demo'); utAssert.eqColl ( 'Valid double entry', 'fileio.dirs', 'fileio.ut_dirs' ); END;
Sometimes we design a procedure or function to throw an exception under certain circumstances. This is something we'd like to be able to test for. Obviously this is not particularly easy due to the way exceptions propagate through the call stack. If we simply call the procedure in our test code, the exception will have no chance of being caught within the utAssert package! Therefore, we need to pass the tested call in to the package as a string. The procedure utAssert.throws allows us to do this:
PROCEDURE throws ( msg_in VARCHAR2, check_call_in IN VARCHAR2, against_exc_in IN VARCHAR2|NUMBER );
Where check_call_in is the call to be made, complete with parameters and terminating semicolon. The argument against_exc_in is the exception we expect to be thrown. This can be specified either as a named exception, or a SQLCODE value.
The following example shows both usages:
/* Test the Except Function */ PROCEDURE ut_except IS BEGIN /* Call the procedure with a negative number */ /* We expect a NO_DATA_FOUND exception */ utAssert.throws('Negative Number', 'Except(-1);', 'NO_DATA_FOUND' ); /* Call the procedure with zero and a string */ /* over 2 in length - We expect a SQLCODE of -1 */ utAssert.throws('Zero and String', 'Except(0, ''Hello'');', -1 ); END;
Note how we have to quote the string parameters to the call and terminate the string with a semicolon.
Sometimes, a procedure may have a large number of effects that need to be tested. For example, it might insert and update data in a series of tables. To test all of these changes, it will be necessary to make a series of calls to utAssert. This can have the effect that if the procedure is not behaving as expected, then the user is presented with a screenful of errors. To avoid this and just present them with a single error, the functions previous_passed and previous_failed can be used. These return a BOOLEAN argument giving the success or failure of the previously called assertion.
The following example gives a demonstration:
/* Test the BookTrips Procedure */ PROCEDURE ut_bookTrips IS BEGIN /* Call the procedure */ Vacation.bookTrips(5, 'Rio de Janeiro'); /* Did it insert 5 rows into TRIPS table */ utAssert.eqqueryvalue('Insert 5 rows', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TRIPS WHERE CITY = ''Rio de Janeiro''', 5); /* If that worked, look in more detail */ IF utAssert.previous_passed THEN /* Do they all have today's date? */ utAssert.eqqueryvalue('All with todays date', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TRIPS WHERE CITY = ''Rio de Janeiro''' AND TRUNC(CREATED) = TRUNC(SYSDATE)', 5); /* Do they all have a hotel specified? */ utAssert.eqqueryvalue('Hotel Specfied', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TRIPS T, HOTELS H WHERE T.CITY = ''Rio de Janeiro''' AND T.HOTEL = H.ID', 5); END IF; END;
To complement the utOutput package, these assertions allow you to easily compare collections of the type DBMS_OUTPUT.CHARARR. Unlike the eqcoll and eqcollapi assertions, this allows the comparison of locally defined collections. The procedures are declared as follows:
PROCEDURE eqoutput ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN DBMS_OUTPUT.CHARARR, against_this_in IN DBMS_OUTPUT.CHARARR, ignore_case_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, ignore_whitespace_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := TRUE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE ); PROCEDURE eqoutput ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN DBMS_OUTPUT.CHARARR, against_this_in IN VARCHAR2, line_delimiter_in IN CHAR := NULL, ignore_case_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, ignore_whitespace_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := TRUE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
The first version simply compares two collections, whereas the second compares a collection against a delimited string. The delimiter can be specified by the line_delimiter_in parameter. If NULL is passed in (which is the default) then the lines are delimited by carriage returns. Thus to test a collection mybuff which should look like:
mybuff(0) := 'Zidane'; mybuff(1) := 'Ronaldo'; mybuff(2) := 'Kahn';
we could pass in parameters:
check_this_in => 'Zidane|Ronaldo|Kahn'; line_delimiter_in => '|';
check_this_in => 'Zidane Ronaldo Kahn'; line_delimiter_in => NULL;
There are also the following flags to modify the way that the line-by-line comparisons are carried out:
Finally, note that only the text itself is compared. These assertions do not care about how the records within the collections are numbered.
The following assertions (created by Raji) check that a named database object exists or does not exist:
PROCEDURE objExists ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE ); PROCEDURE objnotExists ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN VARCHAR2, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE );
In both cases, the check_this_in parameter gives the name of the object to check for. So passing 'MYTHING' will check if the MYTHING object exists. This is assumed to be in the current schema. To check for objects in a schema other than the current one, simply add the name of the schema, separated by a dot. So passing 'ANOTHER.THATTHING' will check for the existence of the THATTHING object in the ANOTHER schema.
If you have a procedure or function that returns a REF CURSOR type you often would like to compare the data of the REF CURSOR against a query (if your REF CURSOR returns a complete table you can use utAssert.eq_refc_table below). In this case, you specify the REF CURSOR of the procedure or function and the full SELECT statement as parameters. By using eq_refc_query, you may be able to avoid the huge workload of constructing separate tables with preset data.
Before calling the comparison you have to specifiy the parameters of the procedure or function you are going to use. This is done with the procedures utPLSQL_Util.reg_In_Param, utPLSQL_Util.reg_InOut_Param or utPLSQL_Util.reg_Out_Param. The details of the parameters are built up in a variable of type utplsql_util.utplsql_params, which is then passed into eq_refc_query.
PROCEDURE utPLSQL_Util.reg_In_Param ( par_pos PLS_INTEGER, par_val VARCHAR2 | NUMBER | DATE, params IN OUT utplsql_util.utplsql_params ); PROCEDURE utPLSQL_Util.reg_InOut_Param ( par_pos PLS_INTEGER, par_val VARCHAR2 | NUMBER | DATE, params IN OUT utplsql_util.utplsql_params ); PROCEDURE utPLSQL_Util.reg_Out_Param ( par_pos PLS_INTEGER, par_type VARCHAR2, params IN OUT utplsql_util.utplsql_params );
Having specified all the parameters for the procedure or function returning the REF CURSOR, the comparison can be started.
PROCEDURE utAssert.eq_refc_query ( p_msg_nm IN VARCHAR2, proc_name IN VARCHAR2, params IN utplsql_util.utplsql_params, cursor_position IN PLS_INTEGER, qry IN VARCHAR2 );
where the reg_In_Param, reg_InOut_Param and reg_Out_Param-specific parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
par_pos | Defines the parameter position beginning with 1, or 0 specifying the return value |
par_type | Specifies the data type of the return value and must be one out of 'NUMBER', 'VARCHAR', 'CHAR' or 'REFCURSOR' |
params | The local variable to keep the values that is used as a parameter for eq_refc_query |
and the eq_refc_query-specific parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
p_msg_nm | The message to be displayed if the test fails |
proc_name | Specifies the procedure or function that delivers the REF CURSOR |
params | The parameter setting for the procedure or function |
cursor_position | Position of the REF CURSOR parameter to be checked, beginning with 1, or 0 to specify the return value of a function |
qry | The SELECT statement to be checked against |
Finally, note that only the record itself is compared. These assertions do not care about how the records within the cursor are numbered.
If you have a procedure or function that returns a REF CURSOR type that represents a complete table or view you often would like to compare the data of this REF CURSOR against the table or view (if your REF CURSOR doesn't return a complete table or view you can use utAssert.eq_refc_query above). In this case, you specify the REF CURSOR of the procedure or function and the table or view name as parameters. By using eq_refc_table, you may be able to avoid the huge workload of constructing separate tables with preset data.
Before calling the comparison you have to specifiy the parameters of the procedure or function you are going to use. This is done with the procedures utPLSQL_Util.reg_In_Param, utPLSQL_Util.reg_InOut_Param or utPLSQL_Util.reg_Out_Param. The details of the parameters are built up in a variable of type utplsql_util.utplsql_params, which is then passed into eq_refc_query.
PROCEDURE utPLSQL_Util.reg_In_Param ( par_pos PLS_INTEGER, par_val VARCHAR2 | NUMBER | DATE, params IN OUT utplsql_util.utplsql_params ); PROCEDURE utPLSQL_Util.reg_InOut_Param ( par_pos PLS_INTEGER, par_val VARCHAR2 | NUMBER | DATE, params IN OUT utplsql_util.utplsql_params ); PROCEDURE utPLSQL_Util.reg_Out_Param ( par_pos PLS_INTEGER, par_type VARCHAR2, params IN OUT utplsql_util.utplsql_params );
Having specified all the parameters for the procedure or function returning the REF CURSOR, the comparison can be started.
PROCEDURE utAssert.eq_refc_table ( p_msg_nm IN VARCHAR2, proc_name IN VARCHAR2, params IN utplsql_util.utplsql_params, cursor_position IN PLS_INTEGER, table_name IN VARCHAR2 );
where the reg_In_Param, reg_InOut_Param and reg_Out_Param-specific parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
par_pos | Defines the parameter position beginning with 1, or 0 specifying the return value |
par_type | Specifies the data type of the return value and must be one out of 'NUMBER', 'VARCHAR', 'CHAR' or 'REFCURSOR' |
params | The local variable to keep the values that is used as a parameter for eq_refc_query |
and the eq_refc_query-specific parameters are as follows:
Parameter | Description |
p_msg_nm | The message to be displayed if the test fails |
proc_name | Specifies the procedure or function that delivers the REF CURSOR |
params | The parameter setting for the procedure or function |
cursor_position | Position of the REF CURSOR parameter to be checked, beginning with 1, or 0 to specify the return value of a function |
table_name | The name of the table name or view to be checked against |
Finally, note that only the record itself is compared. These assertions do not care about how the records within the cursor are numbered.
You may want to build assertion routines that fit your specific needs. If PL/SQL supported inheritance, you could extend the utAssert assertion routines and then customize them through polymorphism. Lacking this feature, however, you will write your own procedures that follow the same steps as the pre-build assertions. In order to integrate the results of your assertion test into the utResult package, you will want to mimic the utAssert.this procedure. Here is its current implementation (Release 1.3.2); check the body of the utAssert package for any changes.
PROCEDURE this ( msg_in IN VARCHAR2, check_this_in IN BOOLEAN, null_ok_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, raise_exc_in IN BOOLEAN := FALSE, register_in IN BOOLEAN := TRUE ) IS BEGIN IF NOT check_this_in OR ( check_this_in IS NULL AND NOT null_ok_in) THEN IF register_in THEN -- Registers the results in the utResult databank. utresult.report (msg_in); ELSE utreport.pl (msg_in); -- used to be utplsql.pl (msg_in) (PBA 20050621) END IF; IF showing_results AND register_in THEN -- Show the results of the test more recently run. utresult.showlast; END IF; IF raise_exc_in THEN RAISE test_failure; END IF; END IF; END;
The most important statement to include in your assertion routine is the call to utResult.report, which will log the results of the test.
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