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Release Notes

Known Issues

utPLSQL version 2.x

Change History

utPLSQL version 2.3.1 (7th July 2016)

utPLSQL version 2.3.0 (8th February 2015)

utPLSQL version 2.2.3 (30th August 2014)

utPLSQL version 2.2.2 (4th May 2014)

utPLSQL version 2.2.1 (6th April 2014)

utPLSQL version 2.2

utPLSQL version 2.1.1

utPLSQL version

utPLSQL version

utPLSQL version

utPLSQL version

utPLSQL version

SQL> exec utplsql.test ('str', per_method_setup_in => true)

utPLSQL version 2.0.7

utPLSQL version 2.0.6

utPLSQL version 2.0.5

utPLSQL version 2.0.4

utPLSQL version 2.0.3

utPLSQL version 2.0.2

utPLSQL version 2.0.1

utPLSQL version 1.5.6

utPLSQL version 1.5.5

Bug Fixes


utPLSQL version 1.5.4

Bug Fixes

utPLSQL version 1.5.3

Documentation and Usage Changes

Bug Fixes


utPLSQL version 1.5.2

Bug Fixes

Known Problems


utPLSQL version 1.5.1

Support for Oracle7.3, Oracle8 and Oracle8i

utPLSQL can now be used on any version of Oracle from 7.3.4 and above! The installation script automatically detects your Oracle RDBMS version and adjusts the code accordingly (Using a great SQL*Plus trick, courtesy of Vladimir Trusevich; check out the references to &start81 and &start73 in the source code, as well as the queries in code.sql, to get a sense of how we can maintain a single base of code for all these versions!).

There are some differences in how the code works:

In Oracle8i, the Invoker Rights model is used to allow all of utPLSQL code to run under the authority of the invoker, not the owner/definer. In earlier versions, the Definer Rights model is followed. So if you define utPLSQL in a central schema and then share it with others via GRANTs and synonyms, you may need to grant additional authority to the utPLSQL schema.

Stores Additional Configuration Information

When you set the directory for your test code (through a call to utPLSQL.setdir , utPLSQL.test or utPLSQL.testsuite), that value is stored in the uPLSQL configuration table (ut_config). It will be used for current and future sessions as the default, until you change it.

The prefix you specify in calls to utPLSQL.setprefix , utPLSQL.test or utPLSQL.testsuite will also be saved in the uPLSQL configuration table. It will be used for current and future sessions as the default, until you change it.

Shows All Configuration Information

Call the utPLSQL.showconfig procedure to display all of the stored configuration values for the specified schema.

utPLSQL version 1.4.1

Automatic Test Registration

You no longer have to manually register your unit test procedures in the setup procedure. Instead, utPLSQL will (in default mode) read and execute the list of public procedures and functions from the ALL_ARGUMENTS data dictionary view that conform to utPLSQL naming conventions. This enhancement makes utPLSQL much easier and simpler to use than before. Simply use the designated prefix (default being "ut_") on your program names, and they will be executed.

Improved error handling and reporting

Rather than display a small, easily missed test result, as in :


utPLSQL now displays a much more noticeable (though still lacking in colors, as in red for failure and green for success) display of the "big picture", as in:

SQL> exec utplsql.test ('str', dir_in=>'e:\openoracle\utplsql\utinstall\examples')
>    SSSS   U     U   CCC     CCC   EEEEEEE   SSSS     SSSS
>   S    S  U     U  C   C   C   C  E        S    S   S    S
>  S        U     U C     C C     C E       S        S
>   S       U     U C       C       E        S        S
>    SSSS   U     U C       C       EEEE      SSSS     SSSS
>        S  U     U C       C       E             S        S
>         S U     U C     C C     C E              S        S
>   S    S   U   U   C   C   C   C  E        S    S   S    S
>    SSSS     UUU     CCC     CCC   EEEEEEE   SSSS     SSSS
 SUCCESS: "str"

utPLSQL version 1.3.2

Improved Statistics Recording

utPLSQL will now record the status of the last test run in the ut_package and ut_suite tables. It also correctly updates those tables with a count of executions and failures. Finally, it is no longer necessary to define your package in and run it from a test suite for results to be recorded.

New Assertions and Assertion Features

utAssert now offers assertion routines that allow you to easily validate the contents of PL/SQL collections (index-by tables, nested tables and varying arrays) by running either the utassert.eqcoll or utassert.ecollAPI assertions.

You can also now request that utAssert show the results of a test immediately after execution. This allows you to build small test scripts without have to create a test package and run it through the utPLSQL test engine.

Bug Fixes

Generally, error handling is now improved, particularly for compile errors on test packages and modifications to underlying tables, such as ut_package.

When a test has been completed, utPLSQL clears out the results information.

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