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Qyerying for test suites

Obtaining information about suites

utPLSQL framework provides ability to read inforamtion about unit test suites that exist in a schema.

Pipelined table function ut_runner.get_suites_info(a_owner, a_package_name) allows you to retrieve information about:

  • all suites that exist in a given user/schema
  • individual test suite pacakage

Querying the data from function provides the follwing details:

  • object_owner - the owner of test suite packages
  • object_name - the name of test suite package
  • item_name - the name of suite/test
  • item_description - the description of suite/suite item
  • item_type - the type of item (UT_SUITE/UT_SUITE_CONTEXT/UT_TEST/UT_LOGICAL_SUITE)
  • item_line_no - line_number where annotation identifying the item exists
  • path - suitepath of the item
  • disabled_flag - (0/1) indicator if item is disabled by --%disabled annotation
  • tags - tags associated with suites

To get list of all test suites in current schema

select * from table(ut_runner.get_suites_info()) where item_type = 'UT_SUITE';

To get list of all tests for test suite TEST_STUFF in current user schema

select * from table(ut_runner.get_suites_info(USER, 'TEST_STUFF')) where item_type = 'UT_TEST';

To get a full information about suite TEST_STUFF including suite description, all contexts and tests in a suite

select * from table(ut_runner.get_suites_info(USER, 'TEST_STUFF')) where item_type = 'UT_TEST';

Checking if schema contains tests

Function ut_runner.has_suites(a_owner) returns boolean value indicating if given schema contains test suites.


  if ut_runner.has_suites(USER) then
    dbms_output.put_line( 'User '||USER||' owns test suites' );
    dbms_output.put_line( 'User '||USER||' does not own test suites' );
  end if;

Checking if package is a test suite

Function ut_runner.is_suite(a_owner, a_package_name) returns boolean value indicating if given package is a test suites.


  if ut_runner.is_suite(USER,'TEST_STUFF') then
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Package '||USER||'.TEST_STUFF is a test suite' );
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Package '||USER||'.TEST_STUFF is not a test suite' );
  end if;

Checking if procedure is a test within a suite

Function ut_runner.is_test(a_owner, a_package_name, a_procedure_name) returns boolean value indicating if given package is a test suites.


  if ut_runner.is_test(USER,'TEST_STUFF','A_TEST_TO_CHECK_STUFF') then
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Procedure '||USER||'.TEST_STUFF.A_TEST_TO_CHECK_STUFF is a test' );
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Procedure '||USER||'.TEST_STUFF.A_TEST_TO_CHECK_STUFF is not a test' );
  end if;

Last update: February 23, 2020 16:02:01
Created: November 17, 2018 21:55:19